Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life with our Baby Boy

Maddux is almost 4 weeks old and I can't believe how time has slipped away so quickly already. Our little monkey is already growing so much and changing everyday. Life with a baby is so different than I thought. It is so hard but I love it so much at the same time. I don't know how that works but it does. We are adjusting to being parents and we both seriously love this little man so much. He is our world!
Our sister in law Brooke took some newborn pictures of our little man. There are so many cute pictures and I can't wait to see them all. This one is a sneak peak and we love his sweet little face in this one :) He was such a good boy during his little photo shoot. Thanks Brooke!

Sunday May 9th was my first Mother's Day! I had such a beautiful day and I am so grateful to be a mom already. Ty and my little Maddux spoiled me all day. First we went to church which was so nice I only missed one week since he was born and I already missed it. They gave us chocolate covered strawberries after sacrament meeting and they were so delicious. After church my cute hubby and baby gave me my presents. From Maddux I got a really cute shirt that says "Wonder Mom" and then Ty gave me chocolate and a Willowtree that is a mom snuggling with her baby I love it so much :) Ty then let me take a nap and made me delicious pork tenderloin for dinner. I seriously was so spoiled and loved every minute of it.

My sweet Willowtree. I love how she is snuggling with the baby because that is how I like to hold and snuggle Maddux especially when Ty is at work and I just need some company :)

I also want to talk about my sweet mom for a minute. I love this women so much I can't even put it into words. I look up to her so much and I would like to think of her as one of my very best friends I feel like I can ask and tell her anything. She always seems to have the answer to all my questions and the best advice when I need it. She is beautiful. She is kind. She is selfless. She is creative. She is so so fun. She is loving. She is an absolute amazing mother. She is my hero. I hope that I can be a mom like her to our sweet Maddux. Thank you mom for being my mom and best friend thank you for helping me through everything in my life so far and thank you for all your help with my transition into being a mom. I love you! By the way my mom and dad are in Hawaii right now for their 30th anniversary and I am so happy for them that they are able to spend this time together just the two of them they deserve it. Thank you mom and dad for being such a good example of marriage and parenting to me and Ty. Have fun we can't wait to hear all about it.

I also wanted to thank my mother in law Julie for the wonderful mother and example she is. Julie is such a good mom to her sons and loves her grandkids so much. Julie will do anything for her family no matter what she has to drop to do it. She is selfless. She is loving. She is fun. She is talented. She is honest. She is helpful. She is beautiful. She is nurturing. Thank you Julie for raising such an amazing son! I couldn't ask for a more respectful and loving man thank you for teaching him the right :) I have only been a part of the family for 2 1/2 years but Julie makes me feel like I have been her daughter forever. We are becoming great friends and I can't wait to live closer and become closer to her! Thank you Dave and Julie for also being such great examples of a good marriage and parenting. Thank you for that book for mother's day I loved it and it was exactly what I needed to hear at the time.

My amazing sister Traci, and my cute sister in laws Emily, Jessica, Brooke and Staci are all also amazing women and mothers and such good examples to me each in different ways. I love you ladies! I hope you all had a happy Mothers' Day!

This is a picture of Maddux's belly button because we were so excited when his cord came off that we just had to take a picture of it! Yay! Time for a real bath now. Isn't that little belly button so cute?

Maddux's first bath! He did so good and I think he really liked it. Well he liked it until it was time to get out :) I love baby smell. He smells soooooo good and has the cutest little fluffy Chicky hair after his bath time. He has taken a few more baths now and just loves them every time. In fact he took one last night because he was a little fussy and had poop up the back earlier that day (oh yeah that was fun haha) and it put him right to sleep after. He slept for almost 6 hours. Maybe we should give him a bath every night?! Don't you love the rubber ducky? Thanks Grandma Leanne for all the bath stuff!

Daddy loves to snuggle with our monkey! He snuggles with him every chance he gets. whenever he gets home from work he wants to see him right away cuz he misses him so much it is so adorable. Ty is such a good daddy and amazing husband. It wouldn't be possible to have better. He helps me so much. Thank you honey.

Mommy Maddux time :) I love you little mister

Our little man at his 2 week doctors appointment measured at 8 lbs and 8 ounces he is getting so big. I guess I don't have to worry anymore about if he is eating enough or not haha since he is growing like a weed. Good boy!

So my mom came down when Maddux was born and helped us for almost a week, but my dad and siblings hadn't seen him yet so on Friday May 14th my family came down to visit for the weekend. It was so much fun having them here. When they first got here Maddux was sleeping so of course they wanted to go poke him to wake him up so as soon as we heard a little whimper they were all in there to meet him. It was so fun and cute to see everyone all gaga over him. On Saturday the boys went golfing that morning while the rest of us hung out with Maddux when they got home we all went to the park for a while to play and then while Ty went to work we all went over to Chris and Ems to visit. Then when Ty got off work we of course went to Chilies for dinner (Chilies is my dad's favorite place to eat and we get a discount there :) ) The rest of the night was just full of talking and holding baby Maddux. On Sunday we all went to church together. This was the first Sunday that I went to all three meetings with Maddux and he did so good. I'm glad I had my mom and dad's help during Sunday school and relief society since Ty has to play piano in primary. After church we all just hung out and ate dinner then it was time for them to leave since they had to get back for school and work on Monday. We loved having them here and we already miss them. Good thing we are going up there to visit in about a week and a half. Thanks for coming to meet Maddux guys! Now we can't wait for uncle Adam, Aunt Traci, Uncle Stephane and his cousins Ben, JuJu, and Seb and Aunt Staci, Uncle Chris and cousin Ayla to meet him next!

Ty playing a game with Chris at the Park

Aunt Emmy. She couldn't wait to hold him it was so cute how much she wanted to take her turn.

Grandpa Doug and Maddux taking their Sunday nap together

Aunt Amanda (She liked to hog the little guy from the rest of his aunts and uncles) She is such a cute aunty.

Uncle Zach. Zach was soooo good with him he would even sit there and bounce him when he got fussy instead of just giving him back. It was sweet.

Uncle Ammon. Ammon loved to snuggle with his new little nephew

Grandpa Doug and Maddux right before they left. My dad was so cute with the little man. Watching my dad with him reminded me of how he was with my little siblings when they were babies. SOOOOO CUTE!

Grandma Leanne and Maddux. Maddux was so happy to see his grandma again so soon :) and so was I

Daddy and Maddux time

My sister in Law Emily and my due dates were only 9 days apart but since Maddux decided to come 11 days early and our niece Ella decided to come one day late they ended up being exactly 3 weeks apart. Ella Mae Jacobs was born on Wednesday May 19th and she was the same weight as Maddux 7 lbs 6 ounces and she was only a 1/2 inch taller than Maddux. She has red hair like her mom and she is so so cute. We dropped off Maddux at our sister in law Jess house for about an hour and ran to the hospital to meet this little cutie just a few hours after she was born. It will be so fun to have Maddux and Ella so close together in age and they have another cousin Seb (my sister's little boy) that is only a few months older. They will all be in the same school year. Yay!

Me and Ella and big Brother Parker

Ty and Ella

Baby Ella and Baby Maddux. Maddux was fascinated by her. When we laid him next to her he turned right toward her and kept trying to touch her face haha Aren't they such cute cousins both in their little PJs :) (He looks like he is punching her in this picture but I promise he isn't)

I absolutely LOVE this picture. Isn't that the cutest face you have ever seen? This was one morning that Ty was at work and me and Maddux were snuggling. He was laying on my belly and he kept lifting up his head to look at me and I just had to snap a picture of it really quick. :) oh I just love this little man.

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