I feel like my pregnancy has been going by so fast lately because I am past the sick stage and not quite into the uncomfortable stage so I am LoViNg my pregnancy right now! I have actually been pretty lucky and have enjoyed my pregnancy the whole time. I don't know if it is just because I am so excited or what but I love it and all the tUmS, uncomfy sleeping, peeing all the time, and not being able to bend over is all worth it. It is worth it because first of all none of those things are too bad and second of all I am iN lOvE with this little guy already. I love him so much and I can't imagine how I am going to feel when I get to hold him in my ArMs for the first time.

So for the baby update I am loving being in my SeCoNd trimester like I said before its a good time to be able to enjoy it because im not super uncomfortable yet. I get uncomfy but its not bad. My belly feels like it is growing and growing so much everyday in fact people have told me how big I look. Don't you love that?! haha that was sarcasm if you couldn't tell. I love having a prego belly I think it is so cute but I don't love hearing how hUgE I look all the time haha. I've had people ask me if I am sure i'm not having twins or if I'm further along than I am haha I'm always like no just having a big baby I guess. I feel like I am getting my full appetite back and am able to eat regular sized meals again and not as often. I am starting to need tums every night to function haha and get up atleast once or twice in the middle of the night to pee. I can still sleep on my sToMaCh which is nice because I love sleeping on my tummy. I will try to fall asleep on my side but I always end up on my tummy at some point in the middle of the night.
The last appointment we had was two weeks ago and the baby had a good sTrOnG healthy heart beat of 144bpm and they started measuring my belly last time which is exciting. I still have had some spotting issues but I will be getting another RhoGAM shot in a couple of weeks so that should help with that. I have also been having some weird heal issues. My right heal will hurt so bad that I can't put any pressure on it the doctor said to try some shoe inserts to see if that helps and if it doesn't he will have me go to a specialist to see what is going on.
The most eXcItInG update is that I am feeling our little man kicking and moving around all of the time now and I just love it. Every time I feel him I can't help but sMiLe. Ty has already felt him a few times too! He loves it. You should have seen him the first time he felt him he was bEaMiNg it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I feel him a lot when I am in class and I just love it so much and I get so excited every time I forget to pay attention haha. I feel like I get pregnant brain sometimes which I guess is normal but it freaks me out being in school so I check my planner at least twice a day to make sure I'm not fOrGeTtInG anything. That is mostly what has been going on in mine and baby boys life as far as the pregnancy goes. We are just so excited for him to get here and excited we only have 15 wEeKs left. We love buying things for him and can't wait to get the crib and changing table. My mom and dad are giving us a crib and changing table so that is sooooo nIcE we can't wait to get it all painted matchy and cute for him. Thanks again mom and dad for giving those to us. I will have to post pictures when we start getting stuff for his room. We also can't wait for our tax return to come to we can get the carseat/stroller combo! Its so funny the things I get excited to buy now that I am PrEgNaNt. I never thought I would be so excited to buy a stroller! yay!
The last appointment we had was two weeks ago and the baby had a good sTrOnG healthy heart beat of 144bpm and they started measuring my belly last time which is exciting. I still have had some spotting issues but I will be getting another RhoGAM shot in a couple of weeks so that should help with that. I have also been having some weird heal issues. My right heal will hurt so bad that I can't put any pressure on it the doctor said to try some shoe inserts to see if that helps and if it doesn't he will have me go to a specialist to see what is going on.
The most eXcItInG update is that I am feeling our little man kicking and moving around all of the time now and I just love it. Every time I feel him I can't help but sMiLe. Ty has already felt him a few times too! He loves it. You should have seen him the first time he felt him he was bEaMiNg it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I feel him a lot when I am in class and I just love it so much and I get so excited every time I forget to pay attention haha. I feel like I get pregnant brain sometimes which I guess is normal but it freaks me out being in school so I check my planner at least twice a day to make sure I'm not fOrGeTtInG anything. That is mostly what has been going on in mine and baby boys life as far as the pregnancy goes. We are just so excited for him to get here and excited we only have 15 wEeKs left. We love buying things for him and can't wait to get the crib and changing table. My mom and dad are giving us a crib and changing table so that is sooooo nIcE we can't wait to get it all painted matchy and cute for him. Thanks again mom and dad for giving those to us. I will have to post pictures when we start getting stuff for his room. We also can't wait for our tax return to come to we can get the carseat/stroller combo! Its so funny the things I get excited to buy now that I am PrEgNaNt. I never thought I would be so excited to buy a stroller! yay!

Thanks Whit! All your pictures are so cute. Uhmm, I got you some shirts just like the ones in the first picture. Maybe I'll give them to Traci now. Isn't that weird? You're looking cute and glad you're feeling better. Love You! See you soon!
How fun!!! Really 15 weeks is going to fly!!! You look so cute with your little prego belly!!! I cant wait for mine to grow bigger!!! Do you feel him all the time?
your belly just keeps getting cuter and cuer... i'm obsessed! haha it was so fun to read about what you have to do to get ready and the cute clothes you already have and so on.. so so cute!!
Look at that CUTE belly!!!! You will be amazed how you find time to get it all done. At this point in all of my pregnancies, I worked wonders! I could take on the world, and have it all done. Good luck!!!!
Hand me downs rock.. baby clothes are so fun, but they grow out of them so quick.
P.s. You are so cute pregnant!
P.S.S. I'm excited for you to have the little man.
I'm so happy your pregnancy is going so well! You are going to love being a mom! That is awesome you have those bins of clothes from Chris and Emily! I love the cute clothes you bought for him too! He will be here soooo soon! I'm SO excited for you!
Looks like you are keeping very baby busy! Cute baby belly :) Good luck with the rest.. I'd say it was the worst part of my pregnancy but so so so worth it in the end!
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