Ty and I took a class together last semester called fundamentals of individual and dual sports. I had to take this class for my major (I am a Pe MaJoR if you didn't know). Ty took it with me just for a hEcK oF iT because he thought it would be fun. The class consisted of golf, tennis, badminton and racquetball. We just got to learn about the sports, play them and get tested on the skills we learned. Well the racquetball unit was not my favorite to say the least. I didn't like it, I was bad at it and I was afraid of the ball it just bounced all over the place and I was constantly getting hit. haha. Well I actually did grow to lOvE it! Ty and I got each other racquetball equipment for Christmas and didn't even plan to get it for each other. Ever since Christmas we try to play together every Tuesday and Thursday or at least one of the days each week. We have so much fun and I have improved so much I am actually getting kInDa good at it now. Sometimes I even WIN! Sometimes our friend Runge plays with us too. So we can play iron man that is when three people play at once.
We really have so much fun
Thank you my cute husband for helping me learn this new to me sport and for having so much fun with me. It is a fun way to do a little change in our exercising routine and to do something active together. Thank you for playing with me! I hope we carry this on for a long time
A couple Weeks ago my cute friend Natalie asked me if I wanted to sub in one of her Bunko groups that she was hosting at her house. I was so super excited. I have been wanting to play for so long and have been asked to sub before but never could so of course I said yEs this time and made sure to ask for work off that day. I have heard only good things about bunko and bunko groups and what a good time everyone has at them.
On Tuesday March 24th the day finally arrived. I felt like such a dOrK though because I was way too overly excited about it. It was over at Natalie's house and I actually knew a lot of people in the group that I didn't know were in it. Everyone was very welcoming of me and made me feel included in all of it. I have to say I was slightly intimidated at first to play because I have heard from many that people take this very very seriously and you have to roll FaSt or else haha. No, but it was really fun. We had dinner (Yummy Chicken, yummy cheese cake stuff haha, and a green salad) first which by the way Nat was delicious and thank you for the left overs ;). I need the ReCiPeS. After dinner they were all so kind to teach me how to play. Well my mom explained it to me a few weeks before but I couldn't remember so they refreshed my memory. It was so much fun. All of it. I loved the fast pace, the food and the best part was ChAtTiNg with everyone. Thank you Nat for inviting me and thank you Runge for coming and being a last minute sub. I will do it again anytime if subs are needed :)
CoRbIn AlLrEd!
A couple Weeks ago my cute friend Natalie asked me if I wanted to sub in one of her Bunko groups that she was hosting at her house. I was so super excited. I have been wanting to play for so long and have been asked to sub before but never could so of course I said yEs this time and made sure to ask for work off that day. I have heard only good things about bunko and bunko groups and what a good time everyone has at them.
On Tuesday March 24th the day finally arrived. I felt like such a dOrK though because I was way too overly excited about it. It was over at Natalie's house and I actually knew a lot of people in the group that I didn't know were in it. Everyone was very welcoming of me and made me feel included in all of it. I have to say I was slightly intimidated at first to play because I have heard from many that people take this very very seriously and you have to roll FaSt or else haha. No, but it was really fun. We had dinner (Yummy Chicken, yummy cheese cake stuff haha, and a green salad) first which by the way Nat was delicious and thank you for the left overs ;). I need the ReCiPeS. After dinner they were all so kind to teach me how to play. Well my mom explained it to me a few weeks before but I couldn't remember so they refreshed my memory. It was so much fun. All of it. I loved the fast pace, the food and the best part was ChAtTiNg with everyone. Thank you Nat for inviting me and thank you Runge for coming and being a last minute sub. I will do it again anytime if subs are needed :)
CoRbIn AlLrEd!
So back to the story. When it was his turn to sing I was excited because I heard he was good but I had never heard him. He was SO GOOD! He was just so easy to listen to and he played the gUiTaR and everything. He sang some really cute songs and one was the one he sang to his wife on their wedding day. Sweet. Afterward my Friend Jenise went to thank him for coming and she put in a good word and said I wanted to meet him. I got a picture with him and he gave me a big hug and after he just stood there for like fifteen minutes and talked to me and Ty. He is such a NiCe guy. We talked about his singing, acting, his family and school and how he ended up in Cedar. It was so fun. I totally want a CD of him. I was just very impressed of how sweet he was and that Ty and him acted like they could talk for hours. Well now I want to go watch SaInTs aNd SoLdIeRs.