Tuesday, November 25, 2008

tHaNkFuL tHuRsDaY on Tuesday

So I haven't been very good at my thankful thursdays I have only done one the whole month so I am going to do a Thankful Tuesday and a Thankful thursday this week. One of the things that I am most grateful in my life is the gospel and specifically prayer. I am so grateful that I have wonderful parents that taught the gospel to me and knew how important it was so raise me and my siblings in the church. The gospel is my super human strength and it has never let me down. It is always there. It is always consistant. and it is always True. There is just so much comfort in the church. We know we will see our loved ones again when they die and when we die. We know the atonement and know we can be forgiven. We know there is a God. We know that we are constantly learning and growing. We know Christ lives and most of all that he loves us and that he is our big brother. I don't know what I would do without this truth and the feeling I get inside the the spirit is sitting right next to me. It keeps me going. I am grateful that we are constantly learning in church meetings and the temple. I need to hear it over and over to retain it all and to learn something new each time a topic has come up.

I am so thankful for prayer. It is amazing to have that line of communcation. I honestly don't know what I would do without it, literally. I am constantly seeking for answers. I love to have answers and to know what to do and what is the best thing to do. I know I don't always get an answer right away, but it eventually gets to me someway and at some point. I am also so grateful that I have the opportunity to constantly build my testimony. There are so many people in my life that have made it possible to feel that spirit and to recognize it. I am also thankful for the scriptures and I know that I need to read them more. Because when I read them with Ty he is able to explain everything that I don't understand and I love our discussions when we read. He helps me so much and helps me to learn and be a better person.

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