Anywho, we've been enjoying the last few days since finals got out, and I have to brag about my smart wife. She took 17 credits this semester, with one of them online and one of them being exercise physiology, needless to say she had a really big workload. Well, she ended up with one A- and 5 A's, including and A in exercise phys. I'm so stinking proud of her! She wouldn't admit it, but she really is so smart and such a hard worker.
We went up north to see our families on Sunday, Whit's little brother Adam got his Eagle Scout award Sunday night so we used that as an excuse to get out of Cedar for a few days. It was great to see them and we also got to do some Christmas shopping since Walmart is about the only place to shop in Cedar. All in all, we are so happy that this semester has ended and are excited to only have one more until we both graduate!